Old Dog is a group of friends and family that have discovered and love to brew and imbibe vermouth. Captivated by the history, alchemy and flavours of vermut/vermouth, it took a year to turn “the talk” into our first batch here at Auchen Eden in the Samford Valley, Australia. After another 5 years of experimentation – in various locations from Camp Mountain, Kin Kin, Red Hill and Keperra to Foligno - we’ve created recipes that we hope capture seasonal flavours, combine a range of herbal remedies known to Chinese and Ayurvedic medicine and fill the palate with a wonderful balance of bitter and sweet that is the vermouth we love.
Our vermouth is based locally sourced wines and Is lightly fortified with Australian grape spirit. Our process is entirely cold brewed to slowly extract the flavours of each botanical and coarse filtered before bottling. This can leave a natural sediment that may continue to slowly infuse over time. The recipe for each batch is unique but retains some essential core botanicals including wormwood and gentian. What we can’t grow ourselves, we source from Four Seasons Organics – our local “apothecary”.